Ruby Method Dispatch

A module contains methods. These methods can be included in a Ruby class.

module Chicken
 def ChickenOrEgg
   puts "Chicken"

module Egg
 def ChickenOrEgg
   puts "Egg"

class WhichCameFirst
  include Chicken
  include Egg
=> Egg

This forms an ancestor tree/array of methods for the new instance object WhichCameFirst.
The methods themselves are still stored in the class WhichCameFirst.
Method dispatch is Ruby’s way of running through this ancestor tree.
The last to be included, will be the first in the ancestor tree.
This is the order Ruby runs through for WhichCameFirst, from Left to Right.

=> [WhichCameFirst, Egg, Chicken, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]


Chicken would come before Egg, if Chicken had been included last instead of Egg.

Ruby will dispatch method order differently depending on whether modules are included, extended, or super’ed’.

Include will make the ChickenOrEgg method available to an instance of a class and extend will make the ChickenOrEgg method available to the class itself. #include

WhichCameFirst.ChickenOrEgg #extend

So what happens to the ancestor order of methods when we extend?

class WhichCameFirst
  extend Chicken
  extend Egg

=> Egg

=> [WhichCameFirst, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]


The result is still Egg, as we would expect. However it seems Egg and Chicken have disappeared from the ancestor tree. This is because we have extended the class’s metaclass to contain the methods, rather than including the methods in the class of a new instance object.
Instances don’t store methods, classes do.

Extend means extending a class object’s metaclass – it’s “alter-ego” – it’s “ghost class” – it’s eigenclass / ownclass – so the methods are stored here. Hidden from the ancestor tree.
Instances don’t store methods, classes do.”

Where as include still had the methods available – to the new instance object of the class – in the class – so the methods are still stored in the WhichCameFirst class.
Instances don’t store methods, classes do.”

Git Epithany – Think-like-(a)-Git reviewed

My Git Epithany happened by first viewing Jamis Buck’s presentation “Algorithm is not a 4 letter word” and then reading through Sam Livingston-Gray’s the “Think-like-(a)-Git” steps.

Taking in the “Algorithm is not a !@%#$@” knowledge first, helped make the Graph Theory section of “Think-like-(a)-Git” chime all the more.

The path finding logic behind maze algorithms chimed with the idea of Git Garbage Collection. ‘git gc’ makes git list every commit it can reach, meaning when it gets to a dead-end, it deletes whatever is behind that dead-end. Everything behind that end is dead to git. I am yet to use ‘git gc’ but I hope as my practice with git progresses, it will become clearer when it’s worth using.


I’m still unsure what Tags are exactly, but finding out what References are and their 3 different categories (including Tags) was useful. Rightly or wrongly, thanks to the REFERENCES MAKE COMMITS REACHABLE mantra section, this is how I now imagine a git repo to be composed.


How I imagine ‘Git Composition’

Reading about the ‘git commit –amend’ command was also very enlightening. To make another separate commit after spotting a syntax error, whitespace, or unused variable always felt very inefficient and like excessive data entry.  This will probably become my new favourite git command.


I enjoyed going through the savepoint and scout repo patterns. Most enjoyable was typing ‘git branch -d test-branch’. I think this is because one of my favourite things to do Away From Keyboard is cutting back bramble bushes and hedges.


Pruning shrubbery with a machete is
as absolving as ‘git branch -d test-branch’.

“Creating a branch is like saving a game before you battle the boss.”


For a git visualiser, I chose to install gitg in Ubuntu. To run it from the terminal, you simply type ‘gitg’ in the directory path of the repo you are currently working on. You then have to close it to continue your usual commands.

Rebasing – WHAT WHAT WHAT are you doing ???

Daily work emails say mysterious things like ‘please rebase this repo’. I sat and watched someone take me through a rebase of my repo. I still had no idea what a rebase was, or the point of rebasing. It was seemingly the most whimsical Git thing to do, even more arbitrary than Tags*.

Thanks to Think-life-(a)-Git’s section on rebase, I now imagine rebase to be like cutting old film negatives to re-order them and change the scene order of an old movie reel.


git checkout foo
git checkout -b newbar
git cherry-pick C D E
git checkout bar
git reset –hard newbar
git branch -d newbar

Once different teams have agreed on the best features to merge into master, you’ll want to all be starting from the same commit history from master again. You want to all have the same ‘base’ to branch off from again.  This is when you rebase. You’ve agreed on what the first 5 scenes of the film will be, and you want everyone to have the same first 5.

That’s the base of your film. Then your teams will go off and film 20 new scenes, but you’ll only agree on the next best 5 to merge onto the first 5. So you’ll rebase, and have the first 10 scenes of your film.



Talking of parallel universes, maybe our universe really is a branch of an infinite repo movie reel / Samsara wheel. With each universe node being pointed to with an amplituhedron for reference. git branch -d epithany.


Amplutihedron: “Encoded in its volume are the most basic features of reality that can be calculated — the probabilities of outcomes of particle interactions.”

*Tags are for when something really significant has happened. Like a new version of your project. You can Tag it as ‘v1.4’ and always refer to a version by it’s Tag for future reference.

TDD – Red > Green > Refactor

TDD was officially recognised in 1999 after it formed out of the Extreme Programming ‘test first’ programming concept. However the principle of ‘test everything that can possibly break‘ was also used long prior to this when NASA used it to build Project Mercury in the 1960s. As it was the first human spaceflight program the US had ever attempted, they weren’t going to take any chances.

” Find all the breaks ! ” – Huston

The classic unit testing principle is ‘test every possible execution path‘, this is very thorough but leads to twice as much test code than the ‘test everything that can possibly break‘ principle.

A good TDD test will expose system requirements or a defect.  This means a individual coder needs a good knowledge base of the system overall in the first place, to deduce those edge cases, to write a good test.

Self-discipline is the biggest requirement to exercising good TDD though.
You may write a good test that FAILS (RED), you may then write just enough code to PASS / or CHANGE THE fail MESSAGE (GREEN), but after this you may loose all discipline and jump the gun for the next feature you want to implement, the next and the next.

Then you get stuck… your previous tests fail… you’re not sure what new test would be appropriate because so much has changed… and you have no route back to working out where it started failing.

If you don’t need to REFACTOR (YELLOW) you should always go back to RED, write a new test that FAILS before writing any implementation code for the next feature.